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日期:2023-04-24 06:11:05来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、哪有什么选择恐惧症,还不是因为穷;哪有什么优柔寡断,还不是因为怂。There is no fear of choice, not because of poverty; There is no i...


There is no fear of choice, not because of poverty; There is no indecision, not because of cowardice.


Life is not a road in vain, your temperament now, hiding the road you have walked, read the book and loved the people.


Don't cling to meaningless people or things, how to carry garbage hand out to receive gifts.


I hope every time I see you, you will know in your heart that this is the right person for me, the one to accompany me through my life. Not someone who thinks and hesitates.


Who is not burning at the same time mourning, at the same time desperately at the same time do not want to live.


Fortunately, I can't buy happiness, otherwise I would have bought it broke; It's a good thing sadness can't sell, or I'd be rich by now.


This world of romance and spoil, please remember to leave a mother.


Life is impermanent, and live and cherish, a flash on the grow up, a flash on the elder, a flash on the gone.


It is a common problem for women to get to the bottom of everything, but not to be stimulated by the truth.


A lot of things, I do not know, do not care, just do not want to haggle over every ounce, do not want to Pierce you. So please lie to me at the same time, also please pay attention to a bit of discretion.


The rest of your life is very long, I wish you embrace yourself, strive to grow, with the sun in your eyes, smile is full of magnum opus.


The world is so big, you will always meet a person, suitable for you, do not have to compromise deliberately, can be capricious sajiao, you love each other, and tacit understanding.


In fact, childish, there is nothing wrong, people will grow up one day, why mature too early, too early to lose.


Mentality to high, low attitude, do not look down on others, not to overestimate their own. It is an adult's eternal duty not to complain and to make life better.


If no one is there to protect you, it's so cool that you have no weakness. You're so good that you can't ruin your relationship.


At this age, no one wants to please any more. He/she is comfortable with whoever he/she is with, including his/her friends. He/she will stay away when he/she is tired. It is far worse to please others than to be happy yourself. I'd rather be alone than go against my heart. Better regret than compromise.

标签:心情 语录 英文 人人 D

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