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日期:2023-04-24 06:11:01来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、愿你的生活常温暖,日子总是温柔又闪光。May your life always be warm and the days always be tender and shining.二、百毒不侵的内...


May your life always be warm and the days always be tender and shining.


100 poison not invade the heart, often will be a simple comfort defeated, invincible camouflage, often understand you in front of the complete surrender.


the promise is too cheap, the oath is not strong, now who in my side, on who better.


I never flatter anyone, the mouth is not sweet enough, but you want to let me down, I have the capital to let you despair.


how others to you, you respond with the same attitude on the line, born, who is the first time, there is no need to spoil who.


money I spend, wine I drink, water I carry, things I carry, and then found a person is not a big deal.


on the wrong bus, do not because of the coin and refused to get off, because that will only miss more stops.


old, can not stand fierce, just want to be spoiled. Any kind of relationship that makes me feel tired will not take the initiative to maintain.


everyone around the position is not who not, a person left its own another person fill up.


think unwilling and regret is a lot, but fortunately will be in the past, the future must go all out, there are a lot of dreams are still in time, there are a lot of gentle waiting for you, don't be unhappy.


The word “afterwards” sums up all the things that we don't want to change, but we can't.


No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be someone who will make you forgive all the difficulties life has given you.


Once you love life, life will teach you the magic of healing.


Meeting is a natural thing, do something good for yourself, and then to wait for the encounter, after all, the best of their own to deserve the best of you.


the girl three concept to be ah, kindness is from the bone, and the face can only give visual comfort, not suitable for the circle do not touch, to learn to be independent, live a good life, look forward to.


Spring early autumn evening, peace throughout the year.

标签:伪装 个性 朋友圈 D 英文

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