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日期:2023-01-11 13:37:27来源:说说网人气:我来评论



in the ordinary life, remain modest and hard. No matter how small the light is, it should always shine.

二、生活中发生的,如果合乎理想,是我们福气,如不,当作经验。—— 亦舒

The things that happen in life, if they live up to our ideals, are our blessings; if not, our experiences. - will relieve

三、幸福如我,人且被爱,既不见异思迁,亦不被人抛弃。 —— 莎士比亚

Happiness is like me, loving and being loved, neither changing nor being forsaken. -- Shakespeare


Like a cat, only please yourself, pay no attention to others, life may be more wonderful.


The last straw is no longer necessary to endure, life, the face when the face, don't be afraid to offend people.

六、这个年纪都是自顾不暇的人,能顾及你绪的人实在难得 。

this age is a busy man, can take into account your emotions is really rare.


every advance to please yourself, as for others, divide the friendship, see the mood, be a person will be cool.


A deliberate manner, rather than an aggressive one, is more frustrating.


the mentality of early change, more and more love money, afraid of their parents are getting older and older, afraid of their own no future, afraid of not making money, afraid of their own collapse, and these are the life we have to go through.


When you are young, you always think you can meet lots of people. Then you understand that the so-called chance, in fact, only a few times.

十一、当我学会了控制脾气时,就证明我懂得了什么叫没必要 。 当我学会了,好好爱自己,也就会更温柔和宽容的接纳别人。不要在小人小事上浪费时间,将军有剑,不斩苍蝇。

When I learned to control my temper, it will prove that I know what is not necessary. When I learn to love myself, I will be more gentle and tolerant of others. Don't waste your time on trifles. A general has a sword, not a fly.


Your vision becomes clear only when you examine the depths of your heart. He who digs outwards is only dreaming, and he who digs inwards will be enlightened.


The mark of growing up is to listen to your inner voice,Instead of applause and cursing outside.


if you want to give a definition of a good life, it is comfortable, if you want to give a definition of comfortable, it is three or five friends, laughing and chatting. - Liu Yu

十五、这世上本就没有任何一句,可以让你醍醐灌顶,真正叫你醍醐灌顶的,只能是一段经历 。

This world is not any words, can let you reach a realization, really call you reach a realization, can only be an experience.


may you dream, do not lose faith, when a diligent study of the road. May you see through the pain, love the world, do a good person with love and light.

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