日期:2023-01-11 12:23:05来源:说说网人气:我来评论
一、别折腾了,一个人使劲,维持不了两个人的感情,你忙着靠近,他忙着走。 don't toss about, a person try hard, can't maintain the feelings of two people, you are busy near, he is busy walking. 二、我知道太敏感会心累,可我就是那种什么事都往坏处想的人,毕竟提前失望总好过突然失望。 I know too sensitive will be tired, but I am the kind of thing to think of the worst, after all, ahead of disappointment is better than a sudden disappointment.
三、人心是慢慢变冷的,树叶是渐渐变黄的,故事是缓缓写到结局的。而爱,是因为失望太多,才变成不爱。 the heart is slowly becoming cold, leaves are gradually turning yellow, the story is slowly written to the end. And love, because too much disappointment, just become not love. 四、最终我成为了更好的自己,起初是因为你,但最后却不是为了你。 In the end, I became a better me, at first because of you, but not for you in the end.
五、后来我彻底消失在你的生活里,像人间蒸发一样。别问我也别找我,如你所愿,想通了。 then I completely disappeared in your life, like the evaporation of the world. Don't ask me and don't look for me. As you wish, it worked out. 六、他点了一个赞,你脑补了一出戏,他更新一条状态,你就像在做阅读理解。他什么都好,唯一的缺点就是不喜欢你。 he clicked a “like”, you imagine a play, he updates a status, you are doing reading comprehension. He is good at everything except that he doesn't like you. 七、哪有什么来日方长,从来都是三旬过场,人走茶凉。 what has a long future, has always been a 30-day show, people walk tea cool.
八、谁不虚伪,谁不善变,谁都不是谁的谁。又何必把一些人,一些事看得那么重要。 who is not hypocritical, who is not fickle, who are not who who. Why put some people, some things see so important. 九、习惯了不该习惯的习惯,却执着着不该执着的执着。有时候,在乎得太多,对自己而言也是一种折磨。 Get used to the habit of shouldn't be used to, but persistent shouldn't be persistent. Sometimes, care too much, for their own is also a kind of torture. 十、曾经的我,开口闭口都是你,现在的我,身边没有一个人敢提及你。 Once I, open mouth is you, now I, no one dare to mention you.
十一、我的忍气吞声,我的逆来顺受,我的适可而止,我的患得患失,都是因为太爱你。 I take it easy, I take it easy, my be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, because I love you too much. 十二、我以为你很爱我,我以为你不会离开我,我以为你会带我回家,我没败给你,只是败给了我以为。 I thought you loved me, I thought you would not leave me, I thought you would take me home, I did not lose to you, just lost to me. 十三、我爱你,但我不会再喜欢你了,前半句是肺腑之言,后半句是失望透顶后做出的决定。 I love you, but I will not like you, the first half is from the bottom of my heart, the second half is disappointed after the decision.
十四、不要为了迎合所有人,把自己过得这么累,费尽心思让所有人都开心,你会忘了自己该怎么笑。 Don't pander to everyone, so tired of trying to make everyone happy, you'll forget how to smile. 十五、其实,真正能击垮你的,往往不是那些突如其来的灭顶之灾,而是压在你心底,那些看似不值一提,日积月累的心事。 in fact, really can beat you, often not those sudden disaster, but pressure in your heart, those seemingly insignificant, accumulated worries. 十六、你劝我别喝酒,像是关心我,却不知道,我喝酒的原因是你。你劝我别熬夜,像是关心我,却不知道,你就是我熬夜的原因。 you advised me not to drink, as if concerned about me, but do not know, I drink because of you. You advised me not to stay up late, like care about me, but do not know, you are the reason why I stay up late.
十七、结婚的时候也给我一张请帖吧,你开心的,难过的,温柔的,生气的样子。我都看过,最后我就想看看,你不属于我的样子。 marriage also give me a please post, you happy, sad, gentle, angry appearance. I've seen them all, and finally I just want to see what you don't look like to me. 十八、虽然我有一万种想见你的理由,却少了一种能见你的身份。你过你的生活就好,安静的住在我心里就好。不打扰,是我爱你最后的方式。 Although I have ten thousand kinds of reasons to see you, but a little to see your identity. You live your life is good, quiet in my heart is good. Don't bother. That's the last thing I love you does.
十九、有些伤口,无论过多久,依然一碰就痛;有些人,不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼。 Some wounds, no matter how long, still a touch on the pain; Some people, no matter how long, also still think of pain. 二十、如果我不爱你,我就不会思念你,我就不会妒忌你身边的异性,我也不会失去自信心和斗志,我更不会痛苦,如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。——张小娴 if I do not love you, I will not miss you, I will not envy you side of the opposite sex, I will not lose self-confidence and fight, I will not be painful, if I can not love you, then how good. - however
二十一、你尽情熬吧,反正你想的那个人很可能已经睡了,被子盖得很好,梦也很香甜,这个夜晚你除了收获到猝死的可能性以外,没有任何东西留给你了。 you enjoy it, anyway, the person you want is likely to have fallen asleep, the quilt is well covered, the dream is also very sweet, this night you in addition to the possibility of sudden death harvest, nothing left for you. 标签:被子 失望。Iknowtoosensit |
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