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日期:2023-01-11 12:12:51来源:说说网人气:我来评论



Those who ended up on the blacklist. At the beginning, all of them are stepping on colorful clouds, lighting up the whole world.


Always have to wait a long time, always have to wait for no retreat, only to know that we have personally abandoned the things, in the later days, never meet again.


Can't walk into the world don't hard crowded, difficult for others, mean yourself, why?


Let bygones be bygones this word is really too pack force, wish you happiness is more hypocritical disgusting, after losing me you had better be defeated and disloyal.


The sad side to keep their own slowly digestion, anyway, schadenfreude is bound to love you more than the people.


We should all understand that some people walk is walk, can not retain, can not look back, you think the new is better than the old, he has long abandoned the old new.


You must be happier than Me, just don't waste my embarrassed exit.


In the past, I always thought that my life would be so long that I would meet a lot of different people. Later, I realized that only a few words can be called “encounter”.


Finally as you wish, I finally regard you as ordinary, even look at you feel redundant.


You always say that you like me and love me, but I do not feel the warmth and love you give. Because you never give. You just talk.


I choked up and told you all about the old days. How funny it was. I thought you'd be moved.


It is always said that something is better than nothing. The truth is, not having it all, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss is worse than having nothing.


People in this life, the most can not do is make do with, can not find the right, then temporarily not looking for.


How to write the story, the end can not be lonely; Dialogue how to say, expression to not sad; What can we do to make love painless?


I'm not a bad person, and I'm not a good person. I just do what I like to do when I have my temper.


Probably because no matter how much I like, I can't change it for the future. After separation, there are ten thousand possibilities in the future, but in this possibility, there are no more you.

标签:好人 东西 日子 句子 英文

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