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日期:2023-01-11 12:09:08来源:说说网人气:我来评论



How many blacklists have said good night to each other; More or less special, then become strangers; How many invisible visible, ultimately owe each other.


No matter how many wounds, there is always a day to heal. But regret is different, it will follow you to the end of life.


Sometimes I really want to forget you, only remember the world, however, I often forget the whole world, only remember you.


People are sometimes poor, like the people can not get, get don't cherish, together with doubt, lost miss, miss want to meet, meet hate night, the whole life, are full of regret.


People who are too fussy about every ounce are suitable for buying vegetables, but not for falling in love.


People always put the best things wasted, then start feeling life if only as first, I hope you can understand, what's done can't be undone, don't look back.


I'm glad I met you, but I'm sorry I just met you.


The cold wind blowing through the street in the early hours of the morning, drinking the cold beer of a low octave on the table, people who can't hold sit opposite, still want to go after all.


Don't be a bad guy, because there will always be people who treat your tolerance and tolerance as weakness to trample.


When you were young, you made a decision to give your life to love, and when you didn't die, youth took your place.


You are like a mountain in front of me, but you will never give me a chance to cross it.


If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


Drinking the wine of loneliness, blowing the wind of freedom, waiting for a person who has no return period, in the rest of his life to do only his own dream.


More and more capricious is due to too much love. More and more silence is due to hurt too much pain. The growing civility was due to disappointment.


We used to be so good, but now even greetings, even afraid to disturb.


In those short years when you loved me, I was probably the happiest person in the world. But those days are over and I can't stay.

标签:世界 扎心 英文 爱情 生命

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