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用大海形容伤感的句子 描写大海的优美 、伤感的句子(精选15句)

日期:2022-08-28 12:39:09来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:1、times, before the last time (said my goodbyes). Went down to what I 2、life!! ! Months of nighmares followed. 3、从明天起和每一个亲人通信 4、给每一条河每一座山取个温暖的名字 5、i almost drown in the pacif...

1times, before the last time (said my goodbyes). Went down to what I

2、life!! ! Months of nighmares followed.



5、i almost drown in the pacific ocean when i was 4 or 5 because we were

6、out having a picnic and my grandma wanted to take this shortcut through

7、secs above the water to look around. I remember surfacing about 10

8、the ocean, next thing I know the rip tide got me. Before I knew it I was

9、in water way over my head. I kept pushing off the bottom to get a few



12、some rocks and suddenly the ocean came up out of nowhere.


14、thought was my grave. Just then I felt a hand grab me, my dad saved my

15、I was 8 or 9, it was a family outing in FL. I was about stomah deep in

标签:粮食 大海 蔬菜 somerocksandsudden

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