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带翻译的英文说说心情短语句子 英语说说心情短语(精选19句)

日期:2022-09-27 01:06:35来源:shualue.com人气:我来评论

导读:1、请不要跟我聊天。我很容易坠入情网2、How much you hate yourself now, how much effort you have to pay.你有多厌恶现在的自己你就要付出多少的努力。3、Life is never......


2、How much you hate yourself now, how much effort you have to pay.你有多厌恶现在自己你就要付出多少的努力。

3、Life is never easier, we just get stronger. 生活从未变得容易,只不过是我们变得更加坚强。

4、Because love you, so never mind——因为你所以没关系

5、Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!

6、承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.

7、When I close my eyes, I don’t see myself, but you. 我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。

8、Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories.留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆

9、The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart. 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人

10、How many dream had, and never came into my heart.多少幻的曾经,也不曾走进莪的心。

11、Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. 勇气就是虽感恐惧,但仍会前行。

12、Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.


14、Time rolls on and youth is gone.时光如流青春不回头。

15、Go the wrong way to remember to love the wrong person to know how to let go.走错了 要记得回头 爱错了人 要懂得放

16、I would like to be a single-cell organisms, heartless creature alive.我想做个单细胞的生物,没心没肺的活着。

17、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air.我只希望身边有一个你,可以温暖我的空气。

18、I will learn to be strong, learn to heal, their embrace, against the wind.我要自己学会坚强,自己学会疗伤,自己拥抱,自己抵御风霜。

19、A person, a city, as soon as entertains feelings hurts.


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