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日期:2023-09-08 13:53:07来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、生活有一点我不是太喜欢,就是它总让更懂事的人来承担糟糕的感受和结果。One of the things I don't like about life is that it always leav...


One of the things I don't like about life is that it always leaves the bad feelings and results to the better people.


I always believe that the so-called freshness is not to do the same thing with unknown people, but to experience the unknown life with known people.


The world is so small that I can see you when I close my eyes. The world is so big that I can't see you when I open my eyes.


Life must have given you the final piece of good fortune to make you go through such a bad day.


Life is like a dance, the person who taught you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.


You will continue to meet some people, and will keep saying goodbye to some people, from strange to familiar, from familiar to strange again, from the same smell to go their separate ways, from meeting each other late as not to see.


The most important thing is to make money well. When love does not come, we must make a living first, and then seek love.


Dear yourself, never give yourself a hard time, such as not eating, crying, autism, depression, these are fools to do.


Don't get a response to the like, you have to know enough is enough, when others do not need you, you have to learn to walk away, more self-knowledge, less self-love.


There are many beautiful things in the world waiting for you, so you have to be gentle, quiet and hard.


Adult breakdowns often end with a "nothing" because they know they have to clean up after themselves.


Thinking too much will ruin you. Acting as if nothing has happened is the best attitude. Why to the unworthy people to prove what, life is better, is for their own sake.


There will be echoes is false, pillow book, cat, love is false, love but not, not flat is true.


May you know the good from the bad, the dog from the human, be sensitive but don't melodramatic, nothing is worth your life.


When your goodness is being criticized, remember to tell yourself that your goodness is only responsible for your own conscience, and don't care what others say.


People who let you down, how can they let you down only once, don't take any chances. Have is lucky, lost is life.


There are two kinds of feelings in the world: one is tired of each other to the old, and the other is nostalgic to cry.


I advise you never to make up with your ex, because even if you make up or will break up, after all, let you disappointed people, how possible, only let you down once!


I don't want to fight, don't want to grab, I just used to let nature take its course, I firmly believe, is my will not go, not my demand can not come.


Not good enough, will be so dependent on others; Not mature, will trust all the dazzling coat; Not strong enough, will waste time to cater to their playfulness.


Does not belong to my umbrella, I would rather walk through the rain, does not belong to my heart, I will not retain, does not belong to my things, I will not want, not really give me things, I do not want.


Have the heart to be together with the people, and then the big noise will find their own steps, speed to make up; Centrifugal people, then a small cross, will also take the opportunity to excuse away.


Many people accuse me of being tactful and sophisticated, but I know one thing. If I don't protect myself, no one in the world will.


The most frustrating thing for you is that after all the pain and mistakes you've made, you haven't become the better person you say you are.

标签:照片 爱情 最重要的

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