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日期:2023-09-08 13:53:03来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、多要求自己,你会更加独立,少要求别人,你会减少失望。宁愿花时间去修炼不完美的自己,也不要浪费时间去期待完美的别人。Ask more of yourself, you will be more in...


Ask more of yourself, you will be more independent, less of others, you will be less disappointed. It is better to spend time cultivating your imperfect self than to waste time expecting someone else to be perfect.


If you cling to the past, don't blame the present for not walking into the future with you. No one owes you, and no one should wait for you.


If you live as others like, others will like you, but you may not like yourself. You must like yourself, and others may like you.


Do not need everyone to understand, just due diligence, a clear conscience; People do not need to be everyone like, just do your best, peace of mind.


There will always be those who say hello and those who say no, but as long as you do things with a clear conscience, you don't have to judge others.


When you wait for something to go wrong with your body, you'll realize that everything you worry about is bullshit.


Enjoy achievement at high tide, enjoy life at low tide, do meaningful work when you are in the mind, do interesting things when you are not in the mood.


A big part of growth is acceptance. Accept the parting of ways, accept the impermanence of things, accept the loneliness of setbacks, accept the sudden sense of powerlessness, accept their shortcomings.


A person's best life state is, love when not to live up to their heart, play when not to live up to the roadside scenery, sleep when not to live up to the warm bed, a person when not to live up to their own.


People will choose not to love the food when they are hungry, will choose not to love when they are lonely, because the melon is not sweet, but quench their thirst.


Don't like a dissatisfied housewife like everywhere pick on, not clear things do not comment, and you have nothing to do with things do not attack, three view a bit, love your talent more.


You have to learn to let go of everyone who has hurt you in the past, because the hurt has enriched your experience and completed your life. Hurt is part of growing up, and we all go through it.


The adult world, should be decisive and crisp, do not delay anyone, do not consume anyone, do not waste anyone, this is a kind of kindness.


You just lost a wrong person, but also bypassed a wrong section of life, sad after remember to rejoice.


When I was young, thought the most romantic thing, is a person walking a long way to see another person, now understand the most romantic thing, is a person no matter how far away the road, the heart is the same person.


Keep yourself busy, too busy to think about unimportant things, so many things quietly forgotten.


To be understood is lucky, but not to be understood is not necessarily unfortunate. A person who places his value solely on the understanding of others is often worthless. - zhou guoping


From today on, be a difficult person, enjoy beating the face of the person you hate, talk fair and square to the person you like, and be willing to give up a few years of your life just to be happy.


Don't complain, rely on yourself! Because over time you will find that complaining does nothing but upset you and others.


Don't expect others will give you what, not hard what all have, others have, as oneself have, efforts to get is should, others give is a surprise!


Don't take it to heart when people say you are good, otherwise you will take it seriously. The world, say you and bad can come from the same people. Adults, listen to what works for you. - Zhang Haochen


You can be a kind person, but do not need to be kind to the people who do not need to, remember a word: the heart for the heart is the truth that people understand.


As the days go by, the annoying people will leave with the annoying words, and the people they like will come with the wonderful things. Look elsewhere, free and easy back to themselves.


When you hesitate, the world is big; When you take the first step, the world is small. When one day you become the person you like, who will doubt that your choice is not reliable? You've become a better you, and you're bound to meet better people. You will meet who you are.

标签:食物 不靠谱 问心 easy

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