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日期:2023-09-08 06:47:20来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、不是每个人都愿意承担你的负能量,也不是每个人都愿听你的焦灼不安。只有真正爱你的人,才会对你的处境感同身受。Not everyone is willing to take on your negat...


Not everyone is willing to take on your negative energy, and not everyone is willing to listen to your anxiety. Only those who truly love you can empathize with your situation.


May you, precipitation and persistence, for every love of things go all out and return, become a good person, do good things.


Not all people can know the meaning of time, not all people know how to cherish, this world is not separated and aging fate, only willing to love and refuse to love the heart.


Put aside the lazy, the depressed words of a collection, the enthusiasm to lift, put melodramatic heart, all want, have to rely on their own efforts to get.


Growth is to let go and forgive, at the beginning of those who feel unable to go through, now it seems that they feel how stupid, why to give their own heart fill block, live happy is the most important.


Do what you like, love who you like, don't expect too much, don't expect too much.


Do not belong to my umbrella, I would rather go through the rain. Does not belong to my heart, I would rather not. Don't belong to me, I will not retain. I don't want anything that isn't really given to me.


I sit all night also did not see you return my message, I think is not you love me enough, just this night is not long enough.


Like others at the same time don't forget to their own good, anyone can leave you, abandon you, only you have been their own.


Happy waiting, happy meeting. When we get along, we have fun. When we say goodbye, we say goodbye. I hope my life has no regrets, only without hesitation.


Nothing to think about how to get rich, don't always hurt in the world of feelings, pinched in the palm of the money is always more than that can not grasp the heart at ease.


Sometimes have to admit: after a few years, the original feeling of the same person, imperceptibly in the gap is growing.


Life is not new every day, you may meet people and things are repeated, but, stable than what is hard.


Everything that happens to you, beautiful or ugly, is a gift. If you can bring confidence and patience, you want the good, time will give you.


We are all grown-ups. We can no longer play games like children. We can't promise what we can't do.


You have to give yourself a sense of security, and if money can give you a sense of security, try to make money. If being loved gives you security, try to be worthy of love.


Even if you're not being held in the palm of your hand, it's not a big deal. Just say to yourself, "love yourself."


I want to be a rich lonely patient, walk the road I like, do what I like, say what I like, lonely I like alone, to be a really free and easy person.


Most people end up living in the most annoying way. They get married, have children, work and earn money. They seem busy, but they are actually empty inside.


You enjoy the abuse of their own, love is the people who love you, that let you become such a person is not guilty, may also laugh at you behind your back, sarcasm you.


Just hope to have someone, when I say nothing, know that I am not really nothing; Can someone, in my fake smile, know that I am not really happy.


Sad to run, sad to cry. It is never to his rotten face to the world, do not think that the other side of the occasional greeting can catch him speak his mind. When you grow up, you have to learn not to let those around you pay for your bad emotions. No one will notice you okay? They'll just stay away.


The thing that makes you want to cry is: don't cry. The word that lets you feel grievance most is: grievance you.


The person who loves you the most is always hard to avoid to lie, for example parents say to you: you eat, I am not hungry. Lovers to you: it doesn't matter, I am not sad.

标签:最重要的 结婚 不知不觉 大多数人 easy

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