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日期:2023-08-18 12:05:12来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、你要相信即使是在极寒的冬日也会有暖阳出现,那么,世界就会给你想要的未来。往后余生,你的生活我不参与,我的未来与你无关,各自安好,过往化作一缕烟,敬往事一杯酒,再爱不回头!Youhave to be...


You have to believe that even in very cold winter there will be warm sunshine, then the world will give you the future you want. For the rest of my life, I will not participate in your life. My future has nothing to do with you. My past turns into a wisp of smoke. Respect for the past, a glass of wine, and never look back!

二、 有的人走着走着就不再联系,走着走着就散了,好像一阵夏,吹过了,爽朗一时,又继续热乎。我们从来不属于彼此,却还要偷偷躲在角落为你哭泣,这从来都不是我想要的结果,可却输给了现实

Some people walk without contact, walk away, like a summer wind, blowing, bright for a while, and continue to warm up. We never belong to each other, but we have to hide in the corner to cry for you, which is never the result I want, but lost to reality.


During the cold war, I could also hold on for a long time, until I had no desire to talk to you at all, but there was always a moment when I felt that it was not important for you to be as good as you were, not to leave, face or temper.


The most decent farewell for adults should be that I didn't reply to your last message, and you were very understanding and did not send it again. In this lonely and chaotic world, there are hazes and gaps in the past behind everyone's happy face. The look of your soul is often projected on your face. If you want to live more and more beautifully, please begin to practice from your heart.


Everyone can express freely, fully, freely or realistically, but never try to tell others what the world is like, or teach others how to see the world, and never expect others to see the world just as you see it.

六、 人的生命力,是在痛苦的煎熬中强大起来的。层次越高的人对待越专一。因为善于处理自己的欲望,因而不会把“找备胎”这种肤浅的价值观当作得意的谈资,他们更愿意与某个人一起扛起生活的风,因为时间要用来做正经事。所以,左顾右盼并不说明你抢心,是因为层次太低。

Man's vitality is strengthened by suffering. The higher the hierarchy, the more focused people are on their emotions. Because they are good at dealing with their own desires, they do not regard the superficial value of "finding spare tires" as a triumphant conversation. They prefer to carry the storm of life with someone because time is used to do serious things. Therefore, looking left and right does not mean that you are in a hurry, because the level is too low.


Because only contentment, will feel how good life is now, which is called contentment and happiness. People will be in a bad mood, can not say the loss, the road does not understand the sadness, the mood can not be sorted out. There is a person who loves and ends; there is a saying, said, regretted; there is a wound, pain, numbness; there is a heart, trembled, broken.


May you be loyal to yourself and live earnestly, laugh freely and walk freely. Those past roads, lost people, torn past, don't look back.


Later, I gradually learned to accept rather than pay, even if I met someone who was moved again, I shook my head and said yes. When disappointment is enough, let go without disturbing. Love is like a shell on the beach: don't pick the biggest, don't pick the most beautiful, just pick your favorite. When you find it, don't go to the beach anymore.




If you don't want to see something, you can close your eyes. But what you don't want to think about, you can't lock your heart.


Like a person to put him in mind, but my heart is shallow, I can not hide. In fact, the halo on the person you love is added by you, not brought by the other party. So sometimes, it's not the other person you want to put down, it's your own persistence. Growing up on the road to be much more disappointed, naturally also learned to defend, the result of the prevention of malice, but also blocked the good intentions, leaving only a tired and lonely body.


You never know how strong you are until one day you have no choice but to be strong.


Some people do not want to love, is not strong enough to love; some people are not unable to love, is not courageous to love; some people are not afraid to love, is not able to love; The power of love is nothing more than that you love him and love you. The courage of love is nothing more than that you love him and tell him directly. But the power of love is the power and courage that you can love if you want to. If you don't have it, you can only miss it. Time is absent, the past is absent, we will also scatter the horizon.

标签:鸡汤 爱情 喜欢一个人

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