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日期:2022-09-09 12:39:09来源:说说网人气:我来评论


  一When that thing was turned upside down when. We crashed当一直相信東西被刷新时。大就一瞬间崩溃了.

  二、Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉早晚也会完婚,幸福快乐并不是长久的嘛。

  三、Being someones first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect!变成他人的初恋人虽然好,但更强的是变成她们最后的恋人!

  四、When likes arriving in the earth, has blown off the sad memory.当再次来临在地面,飘散了忧伤的记忆力。

  五、Dont cry for pain, do not feel. Dont ask, do not expect.不喊痛,不一定感觉不好。不规定,不一定没希望.

  六、Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way或许这些错过了的,是由于终究就需要错过了。

  七、Memories can make you smile, but it can very well make you cry hard.追忆,有时候令你微笑唇,有时候也可以使你热盈眶。

  八、We may have an ugly past but luck enough we have a spotless future.大家或许有一个恍如隔世的以往,但充足幸运的是也有个洁白如玉的将来。

  九、Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.一切都是会好起来的,或许并不是今日,但最后都是会。

  十、you may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.你或许已摆脱我的视线,但从没摆脱我的爱。

  十一、Positive emotions not only contribute to our success, they dont just contribute to our feeling good; they also contribute to our wellbeing.积极态不但有助于取得成功,不但能使我们觉得好,也有助大家得到幸福快乐。

  十二、Non voglio essere nel tuo modo, abitudine solitario cerca sempre di guardare.不愿变成你的羁绊、孤独总要尝试习惯性看淡。

  十三、Dont try to understand everything because sometimes, things are not meant to be understood but rather to just be accepted.不必试着去搞清每一件,由于有的时候一些事儿并不是用于了解的,反而是要明白接纳他们。

  十四、I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken. 希望有个人会懂我,即使我什么也不说。

  十五、Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.追随自身的心,但要清醒的大脑。

  十六、A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.心里只需幸福在点燃,就要不然有开心。

  十七、You do not understand my silence,and how will you know my sadness.你没懂我的沉默无言,又怎么会懂我的伤心

  十八、This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun. Infinite days and nights of joy stream by, And even beyond the day we die.我们两世间的桥梁如此坚不可摧,并好似东升的旭日不可阻挡,无穷的幸福快乐倍伴大家,永生永世。

  十九、If you were a teardrop,In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo Kee.如果你是我眼中的,一滴泪,为了更好地不失去了你,我将绝不抽泣。假如金色的太阳,终止了它夺目的光辉,你的一个笑容,将点亮我的整个世界

  二十、Do not say goodbye to me not good-bye, good-bye after.不必对我说再见,再见后就不要再见。

  二十一、Time forget me, or I forgot to follow, a turn around, is a lifetime.時间忘记了等着我,或是忘了跟随走。

  二十二、The worst feeling is no more than wondering whether to wait or give up.最槽糕的觉得,莫过不清楚应当等候或是舍弃。

  二十三、When I wake up in the morning,You are all I see;When I think about you,And how happy you make me.Youre everything I wanted;Youre everything I need;I look at you and know;That you are all to me. Barry Fitzpatrick.当我还在早上醒来时,我看到的只有你;在我想念你的时候,你让我开心极其;你是我心中要想的一切;你的我必须的一切。我凝视着你,了解,你是我的一切。

  二十四、Never let anyone fall for you when you know there’s some else in your heart.假如你内心面早已拥有人,就千万别让他人爱上了你!

  二十五、I love the way you smile at me, I love your laugh, so much, The way you walk, the way you talk, Your gentle kiss and touch. Abigail.我好喜欢你对于我笑的模样,对你有感觉的欢笑声,喜爱,你行走的模样,你讲的神色,你温婉的吻和抚摸。

  二十六、You are not anthropophagi firework boy, I was too miserable world.你是不食烟火的青少年,我却经历了过于凄惨的世间。

  二十七、heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on.听闻幸福很简单。简易到時间一冲就淡化。

  二十八、Love is a luxury, as long as the heart is hard as iron, no one hurt me to be.真正的爱情一种奢求,只需心硬实如铁,谁都伤我不可。

标签:時间 模样 初恋情人 恋人!  四、Whenlike

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