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日期:2022-08-21 06:06:07来源:说说网人气:我来评论


  Do you know that when there is a free, someone will miss you, think you whether work well, you have to eat on time today, think you are boring. 你清楚吗,每每空余况下,某一人都是会想你,想你工作是不是顺意,想你今日是否有去按时吃饭,想你是否无趣的发愣。

  Night, I quietly to write down in the diary:, if god can give us a chance, so this life I will not ask riches and fame, not luxurious, only willing to give me your hand, and son life together.夜深人静时,我还在日记里悄悄的写出:,假如苍能给大一个机遇,那麼此生我并不求荣华富贵胸怀坦荡、不求衣食无忧,唯愿与子偕老,与子终身白头偕老!

  On the way love you, I dont sum you have.As long as have I in your heart, now you all in my memory slowly degenerate.Your smile, your eyes, the way you walk, in my mind has become blurred.Now I can understand you now, as a stranger in your life, your everything, even so I also very happy.At least I can get your message!No matter how after, all want to thank you, because of you, I feel the taste of love, because of you I learned to love a person, because you make me happy, because of the way you make me love had experience, have your dream I can aftertaste for a long time, one of your eyes can turns me on.在着你的道上,我并不求合您有结。只需在你中有过我便好,如今你的一切在我的回忆中渐渐地衰退。你的笑容,你的微笑,你行走的模样,在我脑中变的模糊不清。如今我只有以路人的真实身份掌握你的如今,你的生活,你的一切,即使那样我就很开心。最少我都能获得你的信息 ! 无论之后怎样,都需要感谢你,因为有你,我体会了爱情的滋味,因为有你我学会了爱个人,因为有你使我幸福快乐过,因为有你使我们的爱情的道路上有历经,有你的我能回味无穷好长时间,你的一个目光可以要我欲罢不能。



标签:道路 一个人 爱情 日记 写出

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