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日期:2022-09-02 17:42:12来源:说说网人气:我来评论


  那飞泻下来银链,在太阳底下闪动,使银链更光亮。而银链的宏伟,超过一切一个饰品;而银链的巨大,又超过一切一个无形中的气墙。 the flying down the silver chain, flashing in the sun, make the silver chain more bright. And the grandeur of the silver chain is greater than any ornament; And the silver chain is larger than any invisible air wall.

  以前我不懂,所以我蹂躏爱,如今我懂爱了,却不可以再动了。 once I do not understand love, so I play with love, now I know love, but can no longer love.

  想赚的人许多,能赚到钱的人很少。有本的人赚钱都难,一般的人挣钱更难。there are many people who want to make money, but not many who can make money. It is difficult for capable people to earn money, and it is even harder for ordinary people to earn money.

  “我听见洱海的你的胸在唱歌”“那首歌”“我不想我不想长大” I hear your chest singing, what song I dont want me to grow up

  我需要心疼你对于我的不在意吗?Do I need to care if you dont care about me?

  全球一圈圈转动,時间天再次,告知自身,在苦在痛,明日依然会到来.the world circle by circle rotation, time continues day by day, tell yourself, in pain, tomorrow will still come

  只要听你全部言巧语 讲叙情密密麻麻 just want to hear all your sweet talk narratives

  间距 造成了美也形成了『间距』distance produces beauty and distance.

  彼此相爱便是幸福快乐,如此简易如此难。 love each other is happiness, so simple so difficult.

  秋色到空闺,夜扫梧桐叶。 —— 夏完淳《卜算子·秋色到空闺》autumn to empty boudoir, night sweep wutong leaves. XIa wanchuns Song Of Divination autumn to empty boudoir

  大光着脚丫子踩在软乎乎的沙滩上,小浪花一阵阵扑回来,打在我的大腿上,好像母亲正温婉地抚摩着我,我的心里瞬间温暖的。 we barefoot on the soft beach, waves of waves, hit my calf, as if my mother is gently touching me, my heart suddenly warm.

  他人班考试成绩体育文化好 我们班 高兴就好 other class performance good sports good our class happy good

  离罪行善,就可始终安居。from evil and good, you can live forever.


  People should always have two things, a lamp that never goes out the lamp of hope; A long window of acceptance.

  毕业,请接纳大家深刻最确实祝愿! graduated, please accept our deepest and most true blessing!

标签:空闺 本事 考试 洱海

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