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日期:2022-11-13 10:30:57来源:说说网人气:我来评论



1Praise has weakened industry.

2、Life is too short to give up tomorrow.

3、Genius is nothing but industry. -- gorky

4、To be lazy is to bury a man alive. Taylor -

5、Inspiration is the reward of hard work. - repin

6、No steps, no steps. No small streams, no rivers.

7、Diligence is the mother of success. - MAO yisheng

8、Genius is the capacity for endless diligence. - Carlyle

9、Leisure is a dress that is not suitable for wear. - anon

10、No double diligence, no talent, no genius. -- mendeleev.

11、Nothing is difficult to the man who will climb. - MAO zedong

12、When will you return to the sea? A young idler, an old beggar.

13、Cleverness comes from diligence, and genius lies in accumulation.

14、Bao jianfeng from grinding out, plum blossom from the bitter cold.

15、Human beings struggle to survive in the competition. - sun yat-sen

16、Study hard and work hard to make my youth brighter. - guang-mei wang

17、To science people, diligence is the mother of success. - MAO yisheng

18、Any flash of inspiration is no substitute for long-term work. - rodin

19、Not all goals can be achieved, but they can be used as aiming points.

20、what is a genius! I think genius is the result of diligence. - guo moruo

21、The waterfall is undaunted by the cliff, so sing a magnificent song of life.

22、Cleverness is due to diligence, and genius lies in accumulation. - hua luogeng

23、How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? -- true hero

24、He who does not suffer from man cannot, and he who suffers from his own will not.

25、Genius is the most powerful cow. They work eighteen hours a day without stopping. -,

26、There is only one step between genius and man, and this step is diligence. - anonymous

27、Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. - Thomas Edison

28、I have never seen an early morning diligent and honest man complain about his bad luck.

29、No animal is more diligent than the ant, yet it is the most taciturn. -- Benjamin Franklin

30、Invention is one percent cleverness and ninety - nine percent perspiration. - Thomas Edison

31、Diligent in business, wild in the hip; He who does what he thinks, is ruined by it. - han yu

32、Genius is diligence, as someone once said. If that is not true, at least it is largely true.

33、One can be a learned person by taking a look at the study, hand in hand, and brain work. - wu

34、If you do not hear what you hear, what you do not know, if you do not know it, do not know it.

35、The vastness of the mind, the active imagination, the diligence of the soul: genius. - diderot

36、The determinant of genius is diligence. ... Some kind of hard work is proportional. - guo moruo

37、Living in the same environment, the boundary between the strong and the weak is who can change it.

38、The word genius is meant to be extremely warm, and its definition is by no means born wise, not learned.

39、Genius is diligence, as someone once said. If that is not true, at least it is largely true. -- lipokneixi.

40、Time is a constant, but it is also a variable. There are many people who are diligent, but few are lazy. Yan, word

41、The so-called genius refers to the persevering, the diligent, the obsessive and the selfless. - George Bernard shaw

42、No man can become wise by learning. Knowledge may be acquired by diligence, but wit and wisdom are lazy. -- John selden.

43、Constant dropping wears away the stone, not the power, but the depth of kung fu. Good grades, not high aptitude, but hard work.

44、Smart qualifications, inner drive, hard working attitude and tenacity. These are all other conditions for scientific research to succeed.

45、Genius is not trustworthy, intelligence is not reliable, and the great scientific invention to be picked up by hand is unthinkable. - hua luogeng

46、If you do not hear or hear, you will not know what you see. If you do not know what you know, you will not know what you are going to do. - xunzi

47、There is no intelligence without enthusiasm, no passion without knowledge, and without diligence, there is no combination of passion and talent. Joseph,

48、Between genius and diligence, I have no hesitation in choosing diligence. She is the midwife of almost every achievement in the world. -- Albert Einstein

49、Smart qualifications, internal drive, hard working attitude and perseverance. These are all other conditions for scientific research to succeed. -- beveridge.

50、No man is born wise or learned. He who does not learn can not. Genius is mostly due to hard work. Genius is mostly due to careful cultivation. - guo moruoWhere there is genius, I use people to drink coffee, all in the work. Lu xun.

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