日期:2022-09-28 17:56:52来源:说说网人气:我来评论
27年的人生要我思索:“从这简短而美妙的年华北我学习到了哪些,而什么见解又是希望可以一直牢记在心的?” Here are 27 of my most valuable learnings that have given meaning to my life: 1. Make friends slowly…and then never let them go. 谨慎地挑选好朋友,而且始终不能丧失她们。 2. Meditate every day; sometimes even your mind needs a break from you. 每日都必须思索,你的脑部有时候必须歇息。 3. play hard even if it means scraping your knees, how else will the world know that you’ve had a hell of a time? 即使会负伤也需要勤奋参加,要不然怎样让全球了解有多惨? 4. Be open to making mistakes and learn to take criticism constructively. The more you let the ego win, the slower your path to success will be. 不要害怕犯错误,学好有效地虚心接受。越大地放任自身,你通向取得成功也会越迟缓。 5. Let yourself dream and the magic of sleepless nights will unveil itself. 6. If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all; most of the worries of the world are simply the consequences of ill-spoken words. 假如你搞不懂说起哪些,就装聋作哑;槽糕的观点是世界上大部分焦虑情绪的根本原因。 7. Accept yourself the way you are – the perfect you and the not-so-perfect you can co-exist in perfect harmony. 接纳自身原本的样子极致的你跟不那麼极致的你能做到极致和睦的并存。 8. Don’t overlook the flawless today in the hopes for a perfect tomorrow. 不必由于今日的没有遗憾而去希望明日会一样极致。 9. Magic exists within each of us, all it needs, is to be acknowledged and believed in to come to life. 10. Accept your mistakes and say “I’m sorry” – for all you know, some might wait a lifetime just to have you back. 接纳你的不正确并表明很抱歉要了解,有的人终其一生都等着你和好如初。 11. The only way to fight evil is to wrap it with love, just like only water can tame a blazing fire. 与邪惡作斗争的唯一方式 是用总去相拥,如同仅有水才可以收服赤焰一样。 12. Learn to live in the moment, it’s all you’ve got and all you’ll ever have. 学好活在当下,这就是你所具有的一切,无论目前也是将来。 13. The process of finding and living your passion can be frustrating, tempting you to give up – but remember, sometimes it is about having the satisfaction that you tried your best rather than the regret of not giving it just one more chance. 找到你的热情并要随时维持,这一流程会使人觉得挫折乃至想舍弃但要记牢,你是在竭尽所能后得到达到,或是在舍弃最终试着的机遇后后悔莫及,仅仅一念之差。 14. Dare yourself. The comfort zone may be comfortable but it is also very restrictive. 勇于探险,安乐之处也许轻轻松松但限定多重(人生感受)。 15. Let go of your ego, it only poisons your heart. 丢掉你的自傲,它只会浸蚀你的爱。 16. Count your blessings; gratitude helps keep your feet on the ground as the mind dreams of conquering the sky. 历数你的幸福快乐;心怀感恩令人踏踏实实,志怀宽广。 17. Believe in yourself and take the leap of faith; it’s never too late to start being who you’ve always wanted to be. 相信你自身,提高信念;变成心中中的那种自身一直不容易太晚。 18. Love needs to be set free like the passing wind. The more you try to hold on to it, the faster it will escape you. Stop seeking it and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to see that it’s always been around and always will be. 感情似风,必须随意。你越发想赶紧,就越非常容易丧失。不会再追求感情,你能喜悦地发觉它一直都在身旁,将来也会如此。 19. Take care of yourself; it’s the most valuable present you can give your loved ones. 照顾好你自己;这是你可以提供你所最爱的人最好的礼物。 20. Don’t avoid the garden sprinklers, they won’t blemish your dress but add a sparkle to it instead. 不必逃避生态公园的撒水器,他们不容易搞脏你的长裙,只会让其闪闪发亮。 21. I love you – when was the last time you said it? 22. Listen, respect and be considerate of the elderly – their unconditional love and intricate life experiences are where the treasures of the world are hidden. 聆听、重视和理解老人世界上最佳的藏宝就藏在她们无保留的爱和充足的人生历经中。 23. Laugh more often; let your vibrant smile tell your fabulous story. 24. Write everyday – it’s the most effective way to get clarity on your thoughts and overcome your inner critique. 25. Curiosity is the youthfulness of the mind, never get complacent and you will be young forever. 求知欲是年青心理状态的主要表现,始终不必骄傲自满,那你就会一直年青。 26. Life is not a race and its the journey that matters – irrespective of how far you’ve gone on the wrong path, quit, and start over. 人生并不是一场追逐赛,全过程才算是是最重要的无论你已在失误的城市道路上离开了多远、离去又再重新来过,都无关痛痒。 27. Don’t let society bully you away from your hearts calling. Believe in yourself, follow your instincts and create the path you wish to travel. 别被社会发展遮盖你心中的呼吁。相信你自身,跟随你的判断力,发展你要想走的路。 标签:人生 世界 社会 城市道路 |
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